Sunday 13 March 2011

"And in other news...Daddy Was A Cross-Dresser"

So where are we at now? Week 6 or so of this blog?

I know what your thinking...'what the heck is this going to be about with a title like that?!' READ ON TO FIND OUT!

The week began as any other normal week, bass lesson Monday morning was great! I played through some of the short classical duets I mentioned last week with Jason (bass instructor). Also was given the task to learn Stevie Wonder's 'Master Blaster', once again from notation only, which to be honest could use a little bit more work!

I rather enjoyed Tuesday as it held only band work. The first task of the day was to be creative and come up with a short musical phrase that contained an example of an ostinato and then perform it in front of others from the class. This was a short task but quite enjoyable as it tested our ability to work well as group and meet our deadline (as we only had a short time in which to do carry out the task). In the afternoon it was time for band practise with our newly assigned 'Blues' band. As it was our first rehearsal we spent the time jamming through a few ideas whilst lyrics were being written and this lead to one or two really good ideas! A great group of musicians to be a part of, looking forward to this week.

The Big Highlight of the Week has to be awarded to the task given in 'Song Writing' on Thursday morning. Mary has been really inspiring when it comes to finding new ways to be inspired for writing material. Having carried out a few tasks which include; writing a song inspired by an image, keeping a diary, taking someone else's lyrics and composing a piece around it, but this weeks task takes the biscuit. Using an article from a newspaper. We were teamed up into groups of two and set about finding a 'suitable' article which myself and Billy took to very seriously. Having glanced at a mere few pages it soon jumped out from the page at article written in from a guy about how his dad was a cross-dresser and he was too embarrassed to ever introduce his girlfriend to him. Anyway Billy and I decided our song would be done to a like-ness of Aerosmith's age old classic 'Dude Looks Like A Lady'...except we had to have an original title, hence there was the birth of 'Daddy Was A Cross-Dresser'. I also think that in years to come it will reach a great level of fame, just as Aerosmith's song, and become an age old classic of our children's time, kinda like what would happen if Kid Rock were to  do a cover of it (please note the heavy sarcastic tones used here).

The whole week was topped off with a weekend full of joyous celebration, a great chance to catch up with a few faces back home, play alongside a few too at a party in my local on Saturday night, a whole heap of fun!

In the meantime...


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