Tuesday 22 March 2011

'Time Well Spent'

Hey folks!

A couple of days late this week for the blog thanks to the college network failing on me! But not to worry, these things happen. Well what can I say about this week? To be honest it has been full of ups and downs, my self-motivation has slipped completely this week and I feel it hasn't been a very productive one in many ways. I have sat and composed a few new songs on guitar, with lyrics, done recordings with Hannah, completed my planning stage for the Graded Unit Project (which I can't send at the moment, thanks again college network) and even though I know I can't post this yet I have sat and written this blog! It is currently 13:48 and the remainder of my day is to be spent revising for the Music Theory test I have tomorrow, which to be honest I'm not looking forward to!

One thing that I was involved in this week though was guiding students that were here at Perth College on Friday for their auditions. This for me was a great experience getting to meet some new faces, some that will hopefully re-appear on the course in September! Our group were mostly quite enthusiastic people that seemed very keen with the exception of one or two quiet ones. It was also quite nice to find out a bit about their background as musicians and what they look forward to doing in the future. It's scary to think that it has already been a year since I was the one coming up here for my audition, how time flys eh?!

BIG Highlight of the Week! this week has to be doing some recording on Saturday in Hannah's bedroom. I was asked to come and add some bass to a recording which I was more than happy to do! It took a number of attempts as I had no music to follow but we got there eventually and it is now sounding pretty good thanks to Hannah sitting playing about with the mix on Cubase. This then lead us to begin recording one of our own tracks, entitled 'Time Well Spent', that we had written a short while back. After a quick switch from the bass to an acoustic guitar we were on a roll. After just a couple of takes for the guitar we took it in turns to add our vocals, again each taking only a few attempts to lay something satisfactory down. We then sat for ages listening to the track and manipulating certain areas on Cubase which was the boring bit but soon got it sounding reasonable! Thanks Hannah! A much better day than sitting in my room and of course 'Time Well Spent'.

Check out our song by following the link below, remember this was done in a bedroom with a basic mic and had little mixing time...

Hope you enjoy!



1 comment:

  1. haha I'm glad that your big highlight of the week was recording :) I thought it'd cheer you up :P
