Sunday 8 May 2011

The JP Parsons Project...we are NOT racist!

Well another eventful week within college this week. I spent a lot of time in the theatre checking out many of the degree level projects which were all absolutely brilliant! A lot of great musicians on show. On Monday I attended my bass lesson as normal but not much was done due to my bass instructor's bass falling apart (LOL!) and other than that I had no classes. At mid-day we were entertained with a Jazz workshop featuring Ronnie Goodman, Pete Honeymoon and David Newton. They played there way through some timeless pieces, making it their own, such as 'Cheek To Cheek' and 'The Girl From Ipanema'. The show then split into the second part where some students got the opportunity to take the stage and join in the fun. I thought the show was great and think the college should do more like that. David Newton...what a damn good pianist! A pleasure to watch and listen to.

Tuesday kicked-off with a rehearsal with The Lost Hounds at 9am, followed up by a recording session in the studio at 10am. This was a great experience for me as I have had little opportunity so far to actually do some studio work. It took us a little while to get going as we kept debating whether or not to use a click track but in the end we went for it using one. I had a quick listen back to our track 'This Lonely Road' and was happy with my part. I didn't stick around long once my part was done as I had to run off to JP Parsons Reggae rehearsal which began at 10am also! I think I got there about 11.30am and we were still rehearsing at 2.15pm so the it was a long morning for me.

Wednesday began with showing more students round the College ( sorry...University! ) whilst they were here for interviews and auditions. A very enthusiastic bunch indeed! As we were walking round we noticed that in the theatre there was a talk being held featuring Jim Gellatly (freelance broadcaster, ex-XFM broadcaster), Del Cotton (managing director of Hire-A-Band), Davie Scott (singer/songwriter/Pearlfishers) and Rik Hart (professional sound engineer). We managed to stop on in for the most of it and it was really great to be able to get some first hand advice from the people themselves from all areas of the industry. Del Cotton's wise words of advice were something along the lines of "If you're a munter and your music's crap then who's gonna hire you?". Great advice Del, tell it like it is...but then can you explain how the hell Beth Ditto managed?! Jim Gellatly better watch out too as I still have his mobile number, he may end up with a cheeky wee phone call or two!

Thursday was a rough morning but I was pleased when, for the first time so far this academic year, our songwriting class actually got to go write a song!!! Ok, so maybe not quite the first time but it felt like it! We decided to go down the route of a Reggae song as a few of the guys from class needed assistance with ideas for there Reggae band. Within about half an hour we had it, starting with a simple, off-beat, guitar riff, fills on the keys, a groovey bass line and some laid back beats on the kit. I sat and wrote some lyrics from the top of my head, jammed through it a few times and HEY Reggae song done! This was followed by D.A.W where I encountered problem after problem with trying to get a microphone to work with Cubase. After an hour or so of fiddling, twiddling, sheer frustration and the help of 3 members of staff it turned out to be a simple little problem. Another lesson learned. So let's hope that this week I can go in, set-up and get the recording done asap as my project is ever closer to completion!
 Band rehearsal with the Funk band (still nameless!) in the afternoon went smoothly. As we have an upcoming gig in Dundee we decided on our short set-list and ran through it a number of times. With the near completion of my original composition we decided to through it in our set too. Let's hope when our guitarist joins us next week that they can lay the finishing touches to it and really make it shine! So far things are still on track with these guys but time is drawing close, let's keep up the good work everyone!

...and now The BIG Highlight of the Week!
This weeks big highlight is without a doubt awarded to performing with JP Parsons Reggae band, on Friday afternoon, as part of his final project. After many many weeks of hard practise and great team-work the show was an absolute hit! I'd just like to say to everyone that this has got to be one of my favourite gigs I have ever been involved with, thank you so much to all of those who came to watch and listen! We all had such a great time and glad that our hard work eventually paid off...although there were certain elements that were not to everyone's taste, eh Ronnie?! But to be fair a totally topical experience was had by all, we had laughter and it made us smile : )

Well that does it for this more Reggae band which upsets me but now looking on to my Funk band and of course The Lost Hounds up and coming gigs. Plenty to keep me going...oh and my Graded Unit stuff, all is well with that. See you tomorrow Marlisa!

"Don't forget your history nor your destiny" 
- Bob Marley

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